White Chocolate Macadamia Cookie Butter



1. 2 CookieTree® MegaBite® White Chunk Macadamia Cookies (225283)
2. ¼ cup Butter, melted
3. ¼ cup Vegetable oil
4. ¼ cup Brown sugar
5. ¼ cup Sugar
6. 2 tsp. Honey
7. 1 tsp. Vanilla
8. 1 pinch Salt
9. Water


1. Thaw CookieTree® White Chunk Macadamia Cookies. Remove from the plastic wrap and set on a wire rack to dry slightly.
2. Place cookies in a food processor and pulse until a fine crumb develops.
3. Add all ingredients except water; pulse until all ingredients are incorporated.
4. While the food processor is on, add up to ¼ cup or more of water until the desired consistency is obtained.