Top 10 Helpful Gravy Tips

  1. Use water temperature recommended on the gravy package.
  2. Bring the water to a full rolling boil on a stovetop.
  3. Avoid using pump dispensers.
  4. Maintain steam table temperature at 165ºF or above.
  5. If storing, divide the gravy into shallow stainless steal pans to cool immediately in the refrigerator.
  6. If re-heating gravy, make sure to use a stove and bring gravy back to at least 165ºF quickly.
  7. Prepare gravy needed only for immediate service.
  8. Store unopened gravy packages at room temperature. Temperatures below 70ºF may not thicken properly.
  9. Avoid “double dipping”. Enzymes in saliva will thin gravy.
  10. Keep fingers, used spoons, and dirty utensils out of the gravy!

Gravy Cooling & Reheating
  1. Remove gravy from steam table and transfer to small containers (stainless steel containers are recommended).
  2. Place filled gravy containers in a refrigerator immediately.
  3. Do not mix previously cooked gravy with a new batch of gravy.
  4. When ready to reheat, transfer the gravy to a pan and heat on the stove quickly to 190ºF.
  5. Hold on a steam table at 165ºF or above.
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